Kollektivet Sthlm is honored to host the Mondaybar Black & White cruise Future Lounge floor, A concept based on participants who managed to qualify among 52 other DJ:s.
After 54 hours listening & reviewing and 14 chosen, my head and ears are a bit sore.
But let’s go back in time for a while, to the beginning of March 2013.
Kollektivet Sthlm had just got the news that they will host two floors at the upcoming Monday Bar Black & White Cruise and also host the contest where bedroom dj’s get the chance to play an hour at the legendary Sundeck-floor.
In total, Kollektivet Sthlm (where I, Patric, is a part of the jury) got 50 mixes sent to them, as they are the jury.
These 50 mixes were in all different genres, from Uplifting trance and UK Hardcore, to Top 40.
The different genres represented by the 50 mixes that were sent to the Jury
A fair fight
To make this a fair contest, Kollektivet Sthlm made one member of the jury as a receiver of the mixes.
He was the only one knowing who made the mixes until the jury had settled the lineup and got it confirmed by Monday Bar. First after that the jury got to knew who made the mixes who won the honorable spots.
After a few weeks of listening to every mix and rated them, the jury had a meeting where they decided on which dj’s who would go through the first pick outs. After a lot of discussions, the jury had picked out 25 participants to go through to the next round.
The Jury, from left: Tatsumi Suzuki, Steve Sundheden, Kambiz, Jay van Kay, Amar and me (behind the camera) had some serious discussions over the mixes.
The Jury’s vote is either a 1 or 0, depending on if it makes it through or not.
To make the selection process easier, the jury was informed on which mixes were made on CDJ’s or software, who had played on CDJ’s before and which ones who wanted to use controllers like the Traktor x2 or similar for their gigs.
Naturally, neither the DJ or the crowd wants to see a DJ who can’t use the gear that is provided, that is why the jury had to sort these dj’s out.
For the next round, we picked out the 14 who got a spot, and 3-4 backups if someone of the ones the jury had picked out would say no for some reason.
At this point, the jury still had no idea of who were behind the number of the mix.
After we confirmed every DJ, and replaced the ones that couldn’t play, the lineup consists of eleven different genres, with 16 DJs that will give us 14 sets.
This is the final representation of the Future Lounge mixes throughout all genres that were represented.
It was at this point the jury got to know who the dj’s behind the numbers were.
We were surprised to see how many of the dj’s that we had heard before, and how many that were all new to us. Almost half of the 14 selected are dj’s at least us at Kollektivet never have heard before.
The jury also picked out, without knowing it, the only two woman that had sent in their mixes, to the final round.
The winners
We are proud to present the final names, here they are (in alphabetical order):
Amin, Berserk Brothers, C.O.J.H, Denise Cavalli, Douchebag, Inchi, JP Bates, Marcus & Stoffe, Progma, Rich Insane, Selma S, Spånberg, Syntse and Tim.Win.
I would like to send a huge thanks to all dj’s who applicated to this.
– Patric